Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Time to update, it's been a while.

So...last week I got my nose pierced! I was pretty psyched about it, I loveee it!
I've wanted it done for a while, and now that there was nothing (or no one) holding me back from doing it, I finally got it done :)

I ditched my wedding plans this weekend, and decided to go home since my sister randomly decided to come home, too! I'm so glad I went home instead of going to that wedding, I'm just not in the mood to go to weddings anymore, haha. Nowadays, getting married is the absolute farthest thing from my mind- that's probably the way it should be though. I did have a dream last night that me and Russell got back together, and that we were engaged basically, it was more of a nightmare. Ugh, never again. No.

But anyways, so yeah this has been such an amazing summer! It's been the best yet. I have gotten to spend lots of time with great friends, family, and learn a lot about myself. I have learned to be content and happy with the way things are now, instead of trying to always change things and rush life. I'm content with life now, and I am in no rush for the future- just embracing each day as it comes and being happy and independent again. I feel like myself again, and that makes me glad.

So, there's a lot to look forward to the rest of the summer! Spending time with friends, John Mayer concert with Gabi next week, helping @ Highland's kids camp in two weeks, and then the beach in 3 weeks! It's gonna be pretty grand :)

Well, as far as dieting goes, I'm back on the South Beach and doing well- I kinda blew it this weekend, but that's always how it is when you're home- there's too much food around to really diet, haha. Anwyays, I've got 3 weeks to lose some weight before the beach, so it's all good.

I can honestly say I feel at peace with things, it's a great feeling.


  1. Ew that dream really is a nightmare! Oh well at least its not reality! I'm glad you skipped the wedding this past weekend and hung out with your awesome sis:). Love you pumpkin and see you in TWO AND A HALF WEEKS!

  2. Lolz, it most definitely is! whoo hoo, I'm psyched :D See you soon!
