Sunday, August 22, 2010

We all get one life to live, but what if that life is cut short by something you can't control?
An amazing follower of Christ, Todd Clendenon went home to be with our Savior last night.
Throughout his entire cancer, he was so strong. Honestly if it was me, I don't know if I could be that strong...I don't know if I would be able to completely keep the faith.
In the past year, two people I've known have died from cancer, and it's so incredibly sad to just have to sit and watch it happen, and see their families greive, but in the same way, both of these people have left with us an amazing testimony and have touched so many people's life along the way.
I guess all I can really say is we are only given one life...we should completely embrace it the best we can, and live it the way God would want us to. At the end of your life, what's going to matter more? Will it matter more how much fun you had or how many lives you watched come to Jesus? I'm often reminded of how important it is that we live our lives in the way that is pleasing to God.
Help me every day to live a life that is completely pleasing to you. Help me to be an example to others and to always strive to do your will in every situatiion. I pray that I would always remain close to you, and recognize the times when I am drifting. Help me to put you first in every situation in my life, and also to be content, and know that YOUR love is enough, and I need nothing more than you.

P.S. It's crazy how much God can change your heart on certain things you would never expect.

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