Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Great endings, better beginnings.

It's finally here! Graduation is only 3 days away, and I'm so happy. Looking back over my entire undergrad experience, all I can say was "Wow, what a ride!" The past 3 years have been the most fun, crazy, difficult, times of my life, but I'd do it all again (most of it). I grew so much as a person- I experienced independence, freedom, love, acceptance, strong friendships (old & new), and I learned what it means to let go, and give God complete control. I feel like I blinked and college was over- it's so crazy how fast time really does fly by the older you get! I had a great time in undergrad, but I think better things are to come for grad school. Everything has absolutely fallen into place, and I couldn't be happier with my life. God has blessed me so much, and definitely shown me what it means to trust Him with all the plans for my life. I'm so glad I gave him control and reign over my life, because He has taken care of me all this time. For the first time in my life, I can look at myself and say, "you can do absolutely anything you want to" and believe it. I know now if I put my mind to anything, I can accomplish it. I'm so excited to keep pursuing my dreams! To those who have been there for me along the way, you mean so much to me and I love you all!



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